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Stay In Peace

Book Cover 2 12 2021Stay in peace. You are not crazy and have no need to fear. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says: “God does not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind.”


What happens when there is no peace? 


If there is no peace or it suddenly left, your new job is to find out where the open door exists.


An open door is a sin of some sort or incorrect belief system. Remember we are to stay connected to the vine and when we are living in sin, we will soon know it because the peace will be gone and whatever this looks like or feels like for you, I am sure it will be easily identified when the peace has left. Trace your steps, hold a family meeting and be open and honest as to why you’ve set the meeting. For this to work, you have to be open about what you are doing and why.


I tried to hide it from my family at first because I didn’t want them to think I was crazy, but that is the lie of the enemy. It’s important to get your family on board to attain peace and operate in the giftings the way they are intended. If this is not possible, then you may just be battling daily like I did and trust me, it really wore me out and made me weary. Fighting alone is not much fun. Here is the cleansing prayer.


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